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Category  "Piano Talents"  (max 15 minutes) - up to 13 years old (before 14th birthday)

  • Free program



Category  "Young Prodigies" (max 20 minutes) - up to 16 years old (before 17th birthday)

  • One Virtuoso piece 

  • One F.Chopin or J.W. Krogulski piece

  • One or more free compositions



Category "Young Artists" (max 25 minutes) -up to 19 years old (before 20th birthday)

  • One F. Chopin piece or One J.W. Krogulski piece

  • One virtuosic piece by any composer

  • One or more compositions freely chosen by the competitor.



Category  "Piano Masters" - no age limit


Preliminary Round​

  • F.Chopin - Etude

  • One etude by one of composers: F.Liszt, S.Rachmaninov, A.Scriabin, N.Kapustin, I.Stravinsky, S.Prokofiev, K.Szymanowski, W.Lutoslawski, G.Cziffra or G.Ligeti or G.Bizet/W.Horowitz  Carmen variations or F.Mendelssohn/F.Liszt/W.Horowitz Wedding March.

  • One free piece up to 10 minutes


Finale (40-45 minutes):

  1. One  piece by F.Chopin or J.W. Krogulski (Krogulski prize* - to be considered Krogulski prize please present minimum one mazurka and one polonaise).

  2. One composition of the list:

  • F.Chopin: Andante Spianato and Grand Polonaise, op.22

  • F.Chopin: Polonaise, op. 53 

  • F.Chopin Polonaise, op.44

  • F.Chopin: One Scherzo 

  • F.Chopin: One Ballade

  • F.Chopin: entire opus of Mazurkas. 

  • F.Chopin Sonata, op.35

  • F.Chopin Sonata op.58

  • F.Chopin Fantasia, op.49

  • F.Chopin Preludes (complete)

  • E.Grieg Piano Sonata in E minor, op.7

  • F.Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody 2,6,12,15 

  • F.Liszt:Spanish Rhapsody

  • F.Liszt: Mephisto Waltz I

  • F.Liszt: Dante Sonata

  • F.Liszt Sonata in B minor

  • M.Balakirev: Islamey 

  • S.Rachmaninov: II Sonata, op. 36 

  • S.Rachmaninov: Corelli Variations

  • M.Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition 

  • S.Prokofiev: Sonata 2,3,6,7

  • A.Scriabine: Sonata 2,5,9 

  • I.Stravinsky: Petrouchka 

  • A.Ginastera: Sonata, op. 22 

  • A.Ginastera: Danzas Argentinas 

  • M.Ravel: Scarbo 

  • V.Horowitz: Any transcription

  • G.Cziffra: any transcription

  • R.Schumann: Etudes Symphoniques

  • F.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Variations Serieuses

  • Comparable composition approved by the Artistic Director

   3. One or more compositions freely chosen by a competitor.

J.W. Krogulski's compositions to download.

March dedicated to 

Augustyn BrzeżaÅ„ski

Mazur dedicated to

Maria Lasocka

Mazurka A la Chopin

Mazurka "Wiesniak"

Polonaise dedicated to

Madame Antoinette de Radomińska

​Polonaise dediacted to

Magdalena and  Zofia JahoÅ‚owska

Polonaise "Military"

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