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• II Krogulski Intarnational Piano Competition in Tarnów is open to pianists of any nationality.


• Competition will take place in Tarnów, Poland.


• The competition will be held in four age categories:

Category "Piano Talents" - up 13 years old (not reaching 14th birthday),

Category "Young Prodigies" - up 16 years old (not reaching 17th birthday),

Category "Young Artists" -up to 19 (not reaching 20th birthday)

Category "Piano Masters" - no age limit.


• Any participant can take part in various categories under following conditions :

1.Will pay all application fees respectively.

2. Will present different repertoire for each category.


• Application fees will not be refunded under any circumstances.


• All competition performances are open for public.


• The order at which participants appear will be determined by drawing lots.


• All performances must be by heart.


• Repertoire may not be repeated in subsequent rounds.


• There is not allowed to perform self-composed pieces and composition requiring preparation of the piano.


• The order of works may be determined by performer


• The jury reserves the right to not award all prizes. The decision of the jury is final and is not subject to challenge or any review. The committee reserves the right to make changes to the jury panel.


• Students of judges are allowed to participate in the competition, but may not be judged by the jury member who is a teacher of the contestant.


• All winners including honorable mentions and special prizes (if asked by organizing committee) must perform at the winners recital scheduled on Saturday, July 2, 2022


• Therefore they are obliged to perform without any remuneration.


• If refused to perform, the competitor looses right using the title of laureate of Krogulski International Piano Competition in Tarnów


• The contestants receiving prizes, honorable mentions, special prizes, but not chosen to participate in the Winners Concert, are obliged to collect their prizes during Award Ceremony (held together with the winners concert)


• Contestants who decide to not appear, will forfeit the right to use the title of the laureate of Krogulski International Piano Competition in Tarnów


• Prizes may be subject to tax, according to tax laws in effect at the time of the competition


• Foreign competitors are responsible for obtaining their own passports and visas. Competitors should contact the nearest Embassy or consulate for advice.


• Competitors must pay their own accommodation and travel expenses.


• In the course of their careers, prize-winners may not undertake to claim to have won any prizes other than those they have actually been awarded.



•The competition has the right, without being obliged to pay any form of remuneration to either competitors or their managers, to: Commission radio, television, video and film recordings and/or images of all the performances. Produce and sell CDs, DVDs or video of all the performances, either in part or in their entirety, or to commission third parties with the production and sale thereof.


• Any contact with members of international jury is strictly forbidden during the entire competition


• Special requests for jury comments in a written form have to be communicated in the time of application process. Transcripts with translated into English comments, can be ordered in the price of 40 USD. Comments will appear without names of particular judges.


• All documents must be received by June 1, 2022




Application Rules


Required documents to be sent:


1. Filled Application Form(capital letters).

2. Attach a proof of age (I.D., Passport, etc.).

3. Attach CV or Biography.

4. Attach a proof of payment of application fee (non-refundable).

    Category "Piano Talents" - 80 USD

    Category "Piano Prodigies"- 90 USD

    Category "Young Artists" - 100 USD

    Category " Piano Masters" - 120 USD

5. (optional) request for transcript of comments by judges (add extra 40 USD)

6. (optional) request for recording of your performance in one stage (add extra 50 USD)

7. (optional) request for recording of winners concert (add extra 30 USD)

8. (optional) request for a recommendation of Dr. Krystian Tkaczewski to be used in auditions and competitions (add extra) 75 USD


Payment of the non-refundable application fee and optional fees must be made using one of the following methods:

Bank wire transfer 


1. Transfer by zelle  (use email:

2. PayPal transaction (if chosen please add 4 USD for application, and 2 USD for each optional fee. Account:

    In memo section, please write: donation for Krystian Tkaczewski (please don't write anything else.)

3. Bank wire transfer (if chosen please add 20 USD).


Krystian Tkaczewski

20 Marshall St, Apt 6

New Britain, CT 06053


Bank of America

Account Number: 003850022882

Routing Number: 026009593

Swift Code: BOFAUS3N




All documents should be sent electronically via online form  by June 1, 2022


If you have any questions or problems with online form,  please email us at:

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